The This Boring Party Font

The This Boring Party Font

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Below is a sample of text in the This Boring Party Font
If you can only see plain text here, it's because your browser does not support webfonts and/or "This Boring Party" font does not support .eot version.

Mauris commodo lectus eu tortor sollicitudin dignissim. Morbi nunc quam, congue at posuere nec, pulvinar ut ipsum. Nullam facilisis ullamcorper venenatis. Duis et leo elit, et aliquam turpis.

In egestas justo at nulla mattis non commodo nulla sodales. Pellentesque vehicula rutrum ante, at euismod mauris dignissim commodo. Nullam vel ligula elit. Quisque ornare interdum aliquet.

Would you like to include this webfont in your website? Just use the following code and place it in your css file.

@font-face { font-family: This Boring Party; src: url(''); /* IE */ src: local('This Boring Party'), url(' Boring Party.ttf'); /* non-IE */ }

If you do use it please feel free in using the following link on your site.

We use the this_boring_party font as our choice of webfont.

This Boring Party.ttf
Font Family:
This Boring Party
Font Subfamily:
Unique identifier:
Frog: This Boring Party 1.0
Full name:
This Boring Party
Frog: 7.16.99 1.0
Postscript name:
This Boring Party Copyright (c) 1999 Tom Murphy 7
[ Divide By Zero ] Fonts
Tom Murphy 7
File Description:
Created by Tom Murphy 7. This is a kind of degenerate handwriting font. Lots of different stuff going on here, like it doesn't really know what it's supposed to be. Made at my brother's stupid boring party. [Divide By Zero] fonts:
Foundry Link:
Designer Link:
Here is the summary of the license for this font, which may be overridden by (most likely very similar) new licenses at the URL below. If you want to do anything with this font you think I might not allow, please see the license URL at the bottom of this document and/or e-mail me. NO MONEY must ever exchange hands for this font file, without EXPLICIT WRITTEN PERMISSION from the designer. This means you MAY NOT SELL THIS FONT on a font-collection CD, nor singularly nor part of any other type package. You may distribute this font file to anyone you want, as long as you do not modify it and do not charge any money or services. You can use this font in noncommercial applications and websites freely and without the designer's permission. You can use this font to create commercial products or web sites, but when appropriate I'd love for you to send me a complimentary copy of the item you use it in. If you distribute or use this font, you may wish to link to the [ Divide By Zero ] web page (though this is not necessary): For the full license and updates: Mailing address: Tom Murphy 7 339 Still Hill Rd Hamden CT 06518.1830 USA
Licence Link:
Package Contents:
This-Boring-Party.ttfttfttf fontdownload all
This Boring Party.ttfttfttf fontdownload all
font.eoteotEmbedded OpenType Font-

Preview of text.

This Boring Party font


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Sample of font

This Boring Party.ttf